Negative Effects of Technology
The impact of technology on our social, mental, physical and environmental health can be devastating if we don’t keep ourselves in check. There’s no denying the benefits we have gained from technological advancements, but as with all things in life moderation is key. Being aware of the harmful aspects of the overuse of electronics will help you avoid any unnecessary pitfalls. We have also compiled a list of reading material that delves deeper into this relatively new area of study.
Cyber Junkie: Escape the Gaming and Internet Trap
Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment
Caught in the Net: How to Recognize the Signs of Internet Addiction–and a Winning Strategy for Recovery
The Digital Diet: The 4-step plan to break your tech addiction and regain balance in your life
iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us
Here are 25 negative effects technology can have