The main objective of this study was to consider multivariate multiple regression (MMR) as an alternative to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for examining associations between macrobenthic fauna assemblage densities and environmental characteristics. The data used for this comparison comprise macrobenthic fauna densities and water quality parameters including sediment characteristics obtained from nine sampling sites in Middle Songkhla Lake at bimonthly intervals from April 1998 to February 1999. The outcome variables were the densities of twenty four macrobenthic fauna families with greater than 35% occurrence, log- transformed to remove skewness. Factor analysis was used to define five predictors including three composite variables based on salinity, physical sediment characteristics, and physico- chemical properties of water and sediment, together with total suspended solids and dissolved oxygen as single variables. The results show that MMR can be used as an additional or alternative method and has some advantages over the CCA method