An infrastructure fund backed by revenues from the BTS Sky Train has raised 62.5 billion baht in the biggest initial public offering in Thai history.
The BTS Rail Mass Transit Growth Infrastructure Fund is also the third largest IPO to take place worldwide this year. Units of the fund will begin trading on the Stock Exchange of Thailand on April 19 under the symbol BTSGIF. Units of the fund will begin trading on the Stock Exchange of Thailand on April 19 under the symbol BTSGIF.
This goes to show that the infrastructure scheme that requires 2 trillion baht loan is a folly. Most of the plans that are proposed by the government to use the public funding for can be offered through IPO’S, saving tax payer money and government’s time to manage massive enterprise when she can just supervise the private enterprise to comply with the law and then starts to collect taxes. It is also good for the country!
It looks like currency influx to Thailand is going be increasing according to the news on Business Section of the Nation on March 6th 2013.
Is it good or bad for the country?
The answer depends on the attitudes. The persons who have the bad attitude will say we have to intervene in order to have the control of the money market. This is the naïve thinking of omnipotence. The world is much larger than Thailand and the wave of the financial world is much bigger than the Thai market as ocean wave is much more powerful than the wave in the river. Nobody can manipulate the world’s market. We have to make do as much as we can and make the best out of it.
This is the good attitude. It is the attitude of a survivor.
How will we make the best out of this?
First of all, we have to understand that money is always good. The more we have the better off we are. Why? So we can do things we want to do.
We want to build more streets and highways, we can build them now.
We want to build more irrigation and water reservoirs, we can do it now.
We want to have better educational system, we can have it now.
Use private systems both, domestic and foreign to do these businesses by finding the ways to get investors to invest on these projects.