I make friends easily.
If you're going after the "Wicked and Weak" ending, be sure to answer False.
2.) Having a drink helps me relax.
Answer True if you're going after the "Drunk Dad" ending and False if you're going after "Love Lost."
3.) I always listen to other people's feelings.
Answer True if you're going after the "Love Lost" ending and False if you're going for "Wicked and Weak."
4.) I prefer abstract ideas.
Unsure at this time as to how this affects the game's outcome.
5.) I have enjoyed role-play during sex.
Answering True here is a definite push toward the "Sleaze & Sirens" ending. Answer False if you're going for "Love Lost."
6.) Working to plan or schedule is best.
Unsure at this time as to how this affects the game's outcome, though if you're going after "Drunk Dad" you should probably answer False.
7.) I have never cheated on a partner.