If you have a branded messenger work bag, it will benefit your staff for the next iteration to be a padded double-strap backpack. A laptop pocket at the back of the pack will help to keep their centre of gravity close and padded straps will be important to encourage them to wear both on their shoulders.
It’s often recommended that backpack users do not carry any more than 10% of their bodyweight, owing to the damage that overloading can do to the muscles and discs of the spine. If mainly office-based, staff can be encouraged to leave as much of their heavy equipment at work as possible in order to minimise the weight on their spines.
Create an optional daily stretch class to prevent muscle creep from hours of sitting.
Hours of sitting at a desk can take its toll on computer users. When used in a certain position for a long time, muscles lose their elasticity in a phenomenon known as ‘muscle creep’. For staff and your business, this means that it is much more likely to develop into a WMSD, possibly in the form of a muscle strain or nerve entrapment.
While it’s not impossible to undo the damage that static sitting can do, it’s always better to prevent it. Regular stretching during the work day can help to minimise the likelihood of a WMSD developing. Even better, the act of stepping away from the desk on an extra officially-sanctioned break will leave the staff who take part feeling refreshed and re-energised, making them feel better within themselves and more productive when they get back to work.