4.2. Carbon stocks in the different riparian vegetation cover types
In this study, biomass C stocks ranged from 49 to 160 t/ha in
natural woodlots, 33e110 t/ha in hybrid poplar buffers, and only
3e4 t/ha in herbaceous buffers (Fig. 1). These field measurements
are within the range of published biomass C stocks for different
agricultural land uses in Canada, including poplar plantations and
farm woodlots (Arevalo et al., 2009). Our biomass C stock estimates
for riparian woodlots also fall in the range of mean biomass C stock
estimates for managed forests of the Mixedwood plains ecozone
(Stinson et al., 2011). Furthermore, our belowground (root) biomass
C stock amounts for poplar buffers (4.8e13 t/ha) and riparian
woodlots (5.2e36.8 t/ha) (Table 3) are in the same order of
magnitude than national scale estimates for managed forests of
Eastern Canada, which are 10e17.5 t/ha (Smyth et al., 2013).
Results from this study put in perspective the high potential of
hybrid poplar riparian buffers to increase C storage within a decade.
Site level comparisons between agricultural buffer types suggest
that 9-year-old poplar buffers store 9e31 times more biomass C
than herbaceous buffers (Fig. 1). On a mean annual basis, planting
poplar buffers in replacement of non managed herbaceous buffer
could increase biomass C storage by 3.2e11.9 t/ha/yr (Table 5).
Biomass C stocks of poplar buffers were in the range of what was
observed in most riparian woodlots (Fig. 1), which suggest that
planting poplar buffers in agricultural landscapes can accelerate the
4.2. Carbon stocks in the different riparian vegetation cover typesIn this study, biomass C stocks ranged from 49 to 160 t/ha innatural woodlots, 33e110 t/ha in hybrid poplar buffers, and only3e4 t/ha in herbaceous buffers (Fig. 1). These field measurementsare within the range of published biomass C stocks for differentagricultural land uses in Canada, including poplar plantations andfarm woodlots (Arevalo et al., 2009). Our biomass C stock estimatesfor riparian woodlots also fall in the range of mean biomass C stockestimates for managed forests of the Mixedwood plains ecozone(Stinson et al., 2011). Furthermore, our belowground (root) biomassC stock amounts for poplar buffers (4.8e13 t/ha) and riparianwoodlots (5.2e36.8 t/ha) (Table 3) are in the same order ofmagnitude than national scale estimates for managed forests ofEastern Canada, which are 10e17.5 t/ha (Smyth et al., 2013).Results from this study put in perspective the high potential ofhybrid poplar riparian buffers to increase C storage within a decade.Site level comparisons between agricultural buffer types suggestthat 9-year-old poplar buffers store 9e31 times more biomass Cthan herbaceous buffers (Fig. 1). On a mean annual basis, plantingpoplar buffers in replacement of non managed herbaceous buffercould increase biomass C storage by 3.2e11.9 t/ha/yr (Table 5).Biomass C stocks of poplar buffers were in the range of what wasในส่วนใหญ่ riparian woodlots (Fig. 1), การแนะนำที่ปลูกปอปลาร์บัฟเฟอร์ในภูมิประเทศเกษตรสามารถเร่งการ
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