Hello, I am feeling happy.
Counselling was scary, but enjoyable. Person whom I was counselling. They were afraid of birds. It was an interesting subject to explore.
Thank you for your kind words. They were very encouraging. I could hear a distant voice, it sounded like cheering. Maybe it was you cheering me!
Recordings, they will be checked by the course leader. I am happy with how I worked. I hope the course leader is impressed.
I am very tired. It was an emotional day for everyone.
Now I will watch a film in bed.
Document that you make, what will your sister do with it? It must be a relief for you to work in the shade.
If you have finished the document, and also finished harvest. What will you do now?
It is good that you will not be planting until June. You will have lots of time to dig a tunnel to me. We can meet in the middle. Picture that I send, it is the tunnel in progress.
How are you?
I miss you lots!