Ss noted.
- Mild enlarged cardiac shadow is seen.Yearly check-up.
Rotational malalignment, no accurately evaluated the widened mediastinum.
Unchanged suggestive thoracic scoliosis.
No significant cardiac shadow enlargement.
No obvious pulmonary infiltration.
Clearing both lateral costophrenic sulci.
Smooth outlines of both hemidiaphragms.
Unremarkable upper abdomen.
- No obvious pulmonary infiltration is seen.
- Clearing of both lateral costophrenic sulci are noted.
- There is smooth outline of both hemidiaphragms.
- Visualized bony thorax are intact.mooth outlines of both hemidiaphragms.
Unremarkable upper abdomen.
Scoliosis of the thoracic spine, suspected malposition or pathology.
: Yearly check up.
- Rotational malalignment i
Clearing both lateral costophrenic sulci.
Smooth outlines of both hemidiaphragms.
Unremarkable upper abdomen.ISTORY: Yearly check up.
- Rotational malalignment is noted.
- Mild enlarged cardiac shadow is seen.
- No obvious pulmonary infiltration is seen.
- Clearing of both lateral costophrenic sulci are noted.
- There is smooth outline of both hemidiaphragms.-orax are inta Rotational malalignment is noted.
- There is cardiomegaly.
- Diffuse prominent lung marking in both lungs are seen, suspected chronic inflammation.
- Clearing of both lateral costophrenic sulci are noted.
- Visualized bony thct.
- Visualized bony thorax are intact.HISTORY: Yearly check up.
- Rotational malalignment is noted.
- No significant enlarged cardiac shadow is seen.
- A 1.0-cm radiodense nodule overlying left upper lung filed is seen, suspected calcified granuloma. F/U CXR is advised.
- Clearing of both lateral costophrenic sulci are noted.
- There is smooth outline of both hemidiaphragms.
- Visualized bony thorax are intact.
Unchanged suspected thoracic scoliosis.