Learning a foreign language is important for everybody, particularly if your mother tongue is not very widespread, and given the demands for communication skills in modern society, including Internet. Language learning is even more important for visually impaired people, in order to reduce the gap caused by lack of sight or from severe visual impairment. Visual impairment affects every sphere of human life, both as an individual and as a member of a community. Visual impairment affects all domains of human activities, including communication, mobility, human relationships. This is still truer in our society, dominated by image and rapidity. At present only a small minority of visually impaired people are proficient in reading. This is due to the circumstance that the majority of them suffer from loss of sight when they are young, or adult, that is too late in order to master the Braille reading method, based on the sense of touch. Learning a foreign language in the traditional way, that is combining spoken and written words, becomes very difficult or impossible, owing to the fact that the individual can no longer rely on his ability to manipulate written words (reading /writing).