In a statistics by World Health Organization, over 12 million people in the Philippines (almost 13% of the population) are at high-risk of malaria causing death. Most malaria cases in the country occur in swampy, hilly, mountainous regions and forested area that is infested with Plasmodium and any other deadly species. Plasmodium species can trasnfer virus by puncturing the human skin where the virus will then flow on the human's bloodstream,spreading in the whole body. Malaria can kill an individual in just an hour, if the one being infected is not aware that he's been bitten. So in order to stop the increasing cases of malaria, the World Health Organization, together with the Department of Health created various programs that tackled about treatments and awareness about the disease.
In the year 1990, 86,200+ cases of malaria in the Philippines were recorded. It's a very alarming report that made WHO act immediately. Nurses and doctors were deployed on community areas with malaria outbreak. Equipment were also transferred on these places to treat the affected patients more effectively. The operation went well and successful. Because of the the consistent advocacy of the the international organiztion, malaria cases in this country was said to have plummeted every year. WHO and the government provided millions of dollars to put this project up. Every effort made by the joining parties paid off when Cebu, Catanduanes, and Leyte were declared of being a malaria-free city. Currently, the World Health Organization keeps on eliminating this virus in various parts of the country and other countries as well.