Thank you for your response and concerning. We do really agree with you and finding out for way shorten the process as well.
After receiving your email, I have talked and received the confirmation with all stake holders. They inform that our process is smoothly running till finished timeline.
We would like to report you as these following items;
1. Accounting Documents Situation;
1.1 DSI has roughly checking accounting documents : No problem
1.2 Accounting Advisor checking accounting documents : On process (finish 28,29th July 2016)
1.3 Accounting documents form January - May 2016 : I have privately calling and received confirmation from Mrs. Kobkaew that will be finished by 29th July 2016
2. Draft Shares Sales and Purchase Agreement : Sent to German advisor today.
3. Mr. Frank’s schedule; I have finished meeting with Mr. Frank,this week in Thailand. Looking from his schedule, he have no schedule to visit Thailand again in the next month. In the opposite way, Ms.Banpao will visit Germany in the half of the next month.
We would like to propose you this new schedule as these following items;
1. Documents checking finishing : 29th July 2016
=> Thanapol is in-charge.
2. Draft Contract finishing : 29th July 2016
=> Thanapol and Mr. Hocke is in-charge.
3. Mr. Frank signing (Hard copy) ; 15-20th August 2016 (I have received the private confirmation from mr. Frank that he will let Ms. Banpao bring the documents to him and sign when she is in Germany about 15-20th August 2016)
=> Mr. Frank confirmed and Ms. Banpao is in-charge.
4. Signing Ceremony between Yonezawa Engineering Asia(Thailand) Co.,Ltd. and DSI Laser Service(Thailand) Co.,Ltd. : End of August 2016
=> Please advise us your schedule