Revitalization movements are evidently not unusual phenomena, but are
recurrent features in human history. Probably few men have lived who have
not been involved in an instance of the revitalization process. They are, fur-
thermore, of profound historical importance. Both Christianity and Moham-
medanism, and possibly Buddhism as well, originated in revitalization move-
ments. Most denominational and sectarian groups and orders budded or split
off after failure to revitalize a traditional institution. One can ask whether a
large proportion of religious phenomena have not originated in personality
transformation dreams or visions characteristic of the revitalization process.
Myths, legends, and.rituals may be relics, either of the manifest content of
vision-dreams or of the doctrines and history of revival and import cults, the
circumstances of whose origin have been distorted and forgotten, and whose
connection with dream states is now ignored.