Good day Dearest,
With due respect,is a pleasure to come in contact with you, and I
guess this mail may come to you as a surprise. I am compelled to
contact you via this medium for obvious reason.
My name is Barrister Mark Ogbar , I am a Togolese, also I am
privileged to be the legal adviser to one foreign expatriate who
resided in Togo as of 70's and worked in Togo before his death in
2007.I will require your assistant on this matter.
My client had an account with a bank here in Togo amounting to $14.3
million USA dollars. The challenges ahead of the fund, is that, This
bank had given me notification to present the relatives since the
beneficiary in no more or the account will be declared unclaimed.
The account has been in active and nobody has come with prove to claim
the fund and there was no will was written before his death, on this
note that: Is why I search and fortunately I come in contact with you,
now I want you to cooperate with me to claim this fund with the bank
since you are a foreigner like my client and also you bear same name.
I don't say he is your relative, in fact I do not know about his
relatives and no record about them nor has he mention where to locate
them,I have confident because there is documented evidence of this
matter to back the claim, we will benefit. So if this proposal is
acceptable to you, confirm this message by replying through my private
email address ( )for more detail to proceed.
Yours sincerely
Barr. Mark Ogbar.
Tel: +228-98170891
Good day Dearest,With due respect,is a pleasure to come in contact with you, and Iguess this mail may come to you as a surprise. I am compelled tocontact you via this medium for obvious reason.My name is Barrister Mark Ogbar , I am a Togolese, also I amprivileged to be the legal adviser to one foreign expatriate whoresided in Togo as of 70's and worked in Togo before his death in2007.I will require your assistant on this matter.My client had an account with a bank here in Togo amounting to $14.3million USA dollars. The challenges ahead of the fund, is that, Thisbank had given me notification to present the relatives since thebeneficiary in no more or the account will be declared unclaimed.The account has been in active and nobody has come with prove to claimthe fund and there was no will was written before his death, on thisnote that: Is why I search and fortunately I come in contact with you,now I want you to cooperate with me to claim this fund with the banksince you are a foreigner like my client and also you bear same name.I don't say he is your relative, in fact I do not know about hisrelatives and no record about them nor has he mention where to locatethem,I have confident because there is documented evidence of thismatter to back the claim, we will benefit. So if this proposal isacceptable to you, confirm this message by replying through my privateemail address ( )for more detail to proceed.Yours sincerelyBarr. Mark Ogbar.Tel: +228-98170891
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