2. Procedure
2.1 After completed the research instrument, the researcher send the proposal
and research instrument to the Human Investigation Committee of
Mahidol University. The researcher corrected in their suggestion. Then,
the researcher presented a letter of introduction from the Faculty of
Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, to the head of Baan Thumapakorn
Wat Maung, Nakhonratchasima for permission to collect data. After being
approved with the permission from Human Investigation Committee and
the head of Baan Thumapakorn Wat Maung, Nakhonratchasima, the
Fac. of Grad. Studies, Mahidol Univ. M.N.S. (Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing) / 45
researcher met with nurses there to ask for their cooperation by presenting
them the objectives and processes of the study.
2.2 The researcher introduced herself and informed the participants about the
purpose of the study and the participants’ right protection. Then, the
researcher asked for participation in the study. If they decided to
participate in the study, they were asked to sign the consent form.
2.3 The participants were tested for allergic symptoms of prepared massage
oil (Lavender oil: 8 drops and Bergamot oil: 8 drops in Olive carrier oil:
30 ml.) by inhaling and dermal test. If the subjects did not like the odors
nor had allergic symptoms, they were received primary allergic treatment
immediately by rinsing with gentle soap and a lot of clean water.
Therefore, the participant did not have allergic symptoms.
2.4 The researcher interviewed the participants to complete demographic data
for 5 minutes, evaluated for dementia using the TMSE for 5 minutes and
interviewed with the TDI (Pretest depression scores) for 10 minutes. The
60 years old women and older who had scores between 21-34 points, had
no dementia and did not have any allergic symptoms. In case of
depression score above 34 points, researcher refers to consult psychiatrist.
2.5 The researcher did the random assign in case of odd number for
experimental group: 30 cases and in case of even number for control
group: 30 cases. In each sample would have intervention fix into the day
of the week for example 6 cases that started on Monday and for the
second week would have on Monday later. Then, they were received
intervention as follow;
2.5.1 The participants in experimental group received 45 minutes of
aroma oil massage at the same time and the same day of the week
for 4 weeks by the researcher. After massage session in week 1 and
4, the participants were interviewed with TDI for Posttest scores by
the research assistant.
2.5.2 The participants in control group received routine care from Baan
Thumapakorn Wat Maung nursing home and were interviewed with