... And then he fell from the float-y thing-y and landed back on the tower. Catching the arrow was awesome but the whole getting-blown-up-thing was a bit stupid." Malik chatted over lunch, waving his half-eaten sandwich around so crumbs fell onto the white plastic table and the laminated floor.
"Malik, this is the fifth time we've told you - we know what happens! We watched it with you!" Joey moaned mid-bite of his second sausage roll.
"But it's such a good film!" Malik whined.
"Doesn't mean you have to keep going over it." You say, having a bite of your own lunch.
Malik huffed but didn't go over the film's events again.
"Hey guys!" Yami said cheerfully, sitting down next to Yugi who eagerly moved up and blushed slightly. "How goes today's torture?"
"Not too bad, how's yours?" Yugi said, bright eyed and Tristan rolled his eyes away from Yami's view.
Everyone knew Yugi had the biggest crush possible on Yami - except Yami. How he could be so oblivious to all the bright-eyed looks, blushes and 'accidental' bump-ins in the corridor you didn't know.
"Ugh, well Marik and Bakura were fighting again at the start of English, how those two haven't killed each other yet, I have no idea." Yami said, stabbing his piece of pizza.
"I'm giving them until the end of the year." Téa laughed and everyone joined in, after all that was the longest they were probably going to survive.
Marik and Bakura were best friends really but they always ended up at each other's throats. If it wasn't because they had been drinking, it was because one of them had stolen the other's cigarettes or something that they shouldn't have been doing.
"Oop, speak of the devil..." Ryou whispered as a very noisy Bakura dragged Marik in in a headlock.
"LET ME GO YOU LIMEY, FLUFFY PIECE OF GOOD FOR NOTHING CRAP!!!!!!" Marik was shouting while Bakura twirled in circles, laughing like a nut.
Despite how nuts he was, something about Bakura made your stomach flip, not that he ever looked at you. Bakura had eyes only for girls who left nothing to the imagination or were drunk.
He let out another cackle and let go of Marik who spiralled into a table and who would be sitting there but Seto. Marik landed in a very surprised Seto's lap with his face in his pasta.
Seto gave him a very disgusted look, pushed him off and stormed out. On the way out Seto glanced at your table and his expression softened ever so slightly when he saw you before hardening again when he saw Joey.
You thought you could hear the word 'Mutt' muttered angrily as Seto left.
Before you could think about Seto's look Marik pushed Bakura onto your table.
"Ungh..." Bakura moaned and rolled on the table before getting up, as in standing on the table. You couldn't help but stare at his toned legs under those tight trousers or how tall he was or how his hair was both scruffy and yet stylish at the same time from this angle and how it reflected the light from the floor-to-ceiling windows on your left so it gave off a silvery glow.
"'Kura..." Ryou whined quietly when he saw Bakura had his foot in his un-touched ice-cream.
Bakura readied himself to leap on Marik when a teacher ran in screaming blue murder.
It was 'WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING????!'-this and 'SOMEONE COULD HAVE BEEN HURT'-that but Marik just smirked while Bakura laughed and got himself three weeks detention in return.
The teacher growled slightly and demanded Bakura and Marik follow him to the Headmaster's office. As the duo fake-marched behind the teacher Bakura stumbled slightly into Téa next to you. "Ouh, sorry." he grinned crookedly and then quick-stepped it to keep up.
Téa just rolled her eyes and muttered "Stinks of alcohol..." but you would have given anything to have been in her place.