Overall, pastas substituted with 10% pollard demonstrated sensorial
properties quite similar to control (Fig. 1). Above 30% pollard,
pasta has inferior colour with more ‘‘pollard-like’’ flavour, aroma
and aftertaste. Previous sensory testing results have shown overall
inferior scores with higher than 20% pollard supporting our data
(Ramy et al., 2002). Colour was adversely affected as the pollard
level increased above 10%, consistent with instrumental measurements. Pasta became rougher with pollard inclusion, and
had a different aroma above 10%. Pasta flavour and aftertaste took
on more pollard and other flavours above 10%. Texture was also
only affected above 10% pollard, becoming firmer, less rubbery
and slippery, consistent with the instrumental data. There were
no significant changes in floury mouthfeel and mouthdrying properties
in all pollard substituted samples (data not shown).
Overall, 10B pasta had similar sensory texture scores to control,
while 30B was similar to commercial wholemeal pasta
(Fig. 2). Bran pasta was darker in colour even with only 10%
bran, consistent with the Minolta values. Bran pasta had greater
surface roughness but did not reach the level of the commercial
wholemeal spaghetti because the latter is made with higher levels
of bran. The bran pasta had no wheat flour aroma or wheat
flour flavour, but had other odours not found in control which
carried over into aftertaste. Only 20B and wholemeal had significantly
higher firmness whereas instrumental data indicated a
reduction in firmness with bran addition. There were no differences
in slipperiness, except for wholemeal, and minor differences
in rubberiness and chewiness, but all bran pasta had a
floury mouthfeel. Wholemeal pasta was firmer and had more
of a floury mouthfeel and mouthdrying characteristics than the
bran pasta samples and control, being most similar to the 30B
sample. Kordonowy and Youngs (1985) have reported that pasta
with 10–30% bran had inferior colour, flavour and texture with
10% having the least effect. Chillo et al. (2008) found differences
between bran and control pasta but similar overall sensory
scores up to 20% bran incorporation.