Sea water can be economically and reliably converted to potable water through a process known as sea water reverse osmosis. The process start by extracting water from the ocean using well located on the shoreline or by using an intake structure located in the open ocean. The sea water is filtered before passing thought the membrane. This is accomplished by using multimedia filters.
Next, to the filtered sea water travels to the cartridge filters which act as a second stage filtration. cartridge filters is use for sea water reverse osmosis. Use high-pressure pumps increase the pressure of the sea water up to 1000 psi. the pressure needs to be sufficiently high to overcome the naturally occurring osmotic pressure and force water from in the salt water side.
The salt water passes through the membrane and emerges at low pressure it is collected in a tube and directed to one end of the pressure vessel. The concentrated salt stream retain about 55% of the total energy in the feed water to reduce the energy that is required to operate the reverse osmosis plan.
The concentrated salt stream energy and using it to pressurize 60% of the sea water.
System is convertedto potable water during the reverse osmosis process, add CaCO3 and the distribution pipes to home.