Regrettably, there are few studies of this kind with samples
of young children. This situation likely stems from the difficulties
associated withmeasuringbody image inthispopulation.Certainly,
preschoolers cannot articulate their representations as adults can.
The concrete reasoning style that tends to characterize this age
group likely requires the presentation of visual stimuli in order to
generate more meaningful data (Tremblay & Limbos, 2009). Among
the many methods used to estimate body size and satisfaction in
adolescent and adult populations, silhouette drawings are often
the only effective methods with children (Collins, 1991; Truby &
Paxton, 2002). Perceived current and ideal body size in children
are typically measured by asking them to identify the shape most
like their own. Perceived ideal body size is often assessed by asking
the child to identify the size which he or she aspires to.