Bad money habits will break your budget regularly every month. It could be that you like to shop for shoes.
Maybe you like to have the most modern electronic gadget By paying with a credit card to get a reward point, it is not necessary for you. If you can abandon these things,
you will have a good financial by using three basic tips.
1. Ignore your credit card's rewards points. Many people use credit card to stock up rewards points for exchange a special gift.
It make your money in the bank declined steadily. One way you can break this bad habit is to LEAVe YOUR CREDIT CARDS AT HOME,
You will be forced to only pay with the cash.
2. Not procrastinate the bill. If you pay your bill late, it could have a really negative impact on your credit scores.
A simple way to combat bill procrastination, if you have a hard time making your payments, you should use automatic bill payment.