E-service quality, as defined by Santos (2003), is the overall customer perceptions, judgments and evaluations of the quality of service obtained from a virtual marketplace. Both practitioners and researchers use e-service quality andwebservice quality inter- changeably. For instance, Zeithaml (2002) defines e-service quality as the extent to which a web site facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing and delivery of goods and services. Zhang and Prybutok (2005) refer to the same concept as web site ser- vice quality. Several authors (Santos, 2003; Zeithaml, 2002) have developed diverse instruments to measure e-service quality. Since these instruments have little in common, exploratory studies are needed to derive a common instrument that can effectively evalu- ate e-service quality. Rowley (2006) has further asserted that since researchendeavorsin e-service are still in their infancymoreefforts areneededto obtain the correct definitionandmeasureof e-service quality.