“Baranchwi sent 8000. Chwichwichwit!”
“Gerbage sent 9000. Brought everyone!”
“Salchwi and his thousand fighters arrived!”
Messengers from every tribe were continuously bringing new messages.
Some of the arrived Orcs had already fought Dark Elves many times. This was evident from the burns and scars, left by Dark Elves’ magic and arrows.
The armies of the 25 closest chieftains were going to gather to storm the fortress. 5 tribes couldn’t come, but still the entire area around the Dark Elves settlement was filled with Orcs.
When the sun reached zenith the last tribe arrived, the number of Orcs reached over 400000.
The entire horde was behaving very loud, clanging with their armor and weapons and shouting all kinds of insults at their opponents. Such a great number of Orcs at their walls was making the Dark Elves seriously worried. Now they didn’t look as relaxed as this morning, a lot of them were preparing spells in advance and holding them ready to use.
The chieftain Bulchwi, who was standing nearby, approached Weed with confidence.
“Karichwi, I heard about your courage. Chwiik!”
“Thank you, chwik!”
Bulchwi was a very strong Orc. During his short stay at the Orc village Weed heard many stories about this formidable warrior who bravely hunted wyverns.
The Orc chieftain continued:
“We want you to give us the command to attack, chwichwichwiiik!”
“Are you sure? Chwiik!”
“Yes. You deserve it. Chwiik! This is the tradition. When the scariest Orc leads the attack the enemy runs away in fear.”
Even though there were 400000 Orcs here today, there was no one scarier than Weed.
He gave his sculpture a too unusual and menacing appearance. And so Weed’s appearance played another trick on him.
Seeing Weed’s confusion, Bulchwi let out a friendly laugh.
“This is a great honor. Chwiik! I envy you. Go on.”
After being told that by such a respected Orc, Weed straightened his posture with pride. Surrounding Orc leaders and all the other Orcs were waiting for his orders, so he raised his glaive high and started to shout:
“Orcs! Orcs! Orcs!”
“Orcs! Orcs! Orcs!”
The 400000 Orc army echoed him. Mountains filled with their shouts. Ground started to shake under their feet.
“Orcs! Orcs! Orcs!”
“Orcs! Orcs! Orcs!”
Weed shouted even louder. The Orcs raised their voice as well.
When the volume reached its peak, Weed swung his glaive furiously and exclaimed:
“We’ll crush everyone! Chwii-i-ik!”
“Guo! Guo! Guo!”
Orcs rushed towards Dark Elves fortress like an avalanche.