Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition characterized by a
rapid increase in core temperature to more than 40°C and
widespread, multiple organ tissue injury. It is a leading cause
of mortality and neurologic morbidity when there is an unaccustomed
and sustained increase in climatic temperature [1-
4]. During the heat wave that affected Europe in August 2003,
there were 14,800 victims in France alone, and 4,277 (28.9%)
of these victims were diagnosed as having heatstroke, hyperthermia,
or dehydration [4]. As sophisticated climate models
predict an increased frequency and severity of heat waves, the
incidence of heatstroke with an outcome of mortality or neurologic
morbidity is expected to rise if proactive measures are
not taken [5,6]. Heatstroke occurs in epidemic form during
heat waves, and both hospital emergency department visits
and intensive care unit (ICU) admissions increase sharply.
Health care professionals should be adequately prepared to
promptly recognize and treat this life-threatening illness.
IntroductionHeatstroke is a life-threatening condition characterized by arapid increase in core temperature to more than 40°C andwidespread, multiple organ tissue injury. It is a leading causeof mortality and neurologic morbidity when there is an unaccustomedand sustained increase in climatic temperature [1-4]. During the heat wave that affected Europe in August 2003,there were 14,800 victims in France alone, and 4,277 (28.9%)of these victims were diagnosed as having heatstroke, hyperthermia,or dehydration [4]. As sophisticated climate modelspredict an increased frequency and severity of heat waves, theincidence of heatstroke with an outcome of mortality or neurologicmorbidity is expected to rise if proactive measures arenot taken [5,6]. Heatstroke occurs in epidemic form duringheat waves, and both hospital emergency department visitsand intensive care unit (ICU) admissions increase sharply.Health care professionals should be adequately prepared topromptly recognize and treat this life-threatening illness.
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