2. We wish to desing a stripping column to remove carbon dioxide co2) from water. This can be done by heating the water co2 mixture and passing it counter-currently with a nitrogen stream in a stripper. The operation is isothermal and isobaric at 60 and 1 atm. The carbonated water contain 9.2x10' mole fraction of co2 and flows at 100,000 lbA The nitrogen stream enters the column as as pure N2 at 1 atm and 60°C with the volumetric flow rate of 2500 ft / hr Assume that N2 is not dissolved in water and that water is not evaported. Given the Henry's constant for co2 in water at 60c of 3410 mole fraction If we desire an outlet water concentration of 2.0x10" mole fraction of co, find the number of equilibrium stages required. Answer 3 stages