The weight of a boule affects how accurately you throw, how tired you get, and how the boule reacts on impact. In general, the heavier the boule, the less it moves after impact the lighter the boule, the easier it is to throw. A boule that is too heavy for you will tire your arm out faster and cause you to throw short of your target a boule that is too light, may cause you to overthrow your target. If you roll the boule, you should choose a heavier one since they take a straighter path. If you throw the boule, you will want a lighter one to help reduce fatigue. The FIPJP allows weights within the 680 to 800 gram range for official play. As boules wear they lose weight: the FIPJP does not allow play with boules that have lost more than 15 grams of weight or where the markings for weight, model etc. have worn off. The average weight of all the competition boules we sell is730 grams