Honey, i am so excited to here that from you, thank for the assurance. I will meeting with the delivery company tomorrow to know about the documentation. My love, I miss you badly and i wish you were here with me. My soul knows no rest even when I sleep, because I dream about you and imagine how great it would be if you were here with me. Without you, I feel like a part of my heart is missing.
I'm in dire need of your tender love and passionate kissing. if only you were here with me. Every day I tell myself to move on with my life, and I try to pretend that I'm happy, but it's just not true.
I'm alone and blue, because you're not here with me. At night I get down on my knees and pray for brighter days. I know that the sunshine I need is on the way, because someday you'll be here with me. But until that day, I'll never stop yearning for you, and wishing that you were here to stay, because I love you, and I want you here with me.
I will always love you,