Agydine, Bufudyne, Ziodyne, Zandyne: Respectively Fire, Ice, Thunder and wind elemental spells. Have equivalents which damage all foes.
Megidolaon: Almighty spell (similar to no element, bypasses magical defenses)
Drain: Almighty spell which drains the foe's health and energy
Dreamfest: Drains a lot of the foe's energy
Prayer: Fully heal including health status
Samarecarm: Revives dead ally
Tetrakarn: Reflect one physical attack
Makarakarn: Reflects one non-almighty spell
Shield All: Nullifies any damage once for self and friends (not almighty)
Diajama: Curse which prevent one foe from healing
Gigajama: Curse which prevent one foe from using his skills
Petra eyes: Curse which petrify all foes
Paral eyes: Curse which paralyses all foes
Mute eyes: Curse which mutes all foes
Death Call: Curse which kills all muted or paralysed foes