all training parameters during the trials. The odor sensors recordcharacteristic voltage changes for each odor type (Fig. 7D). For theodorant concentrations used, OCT presents a voltage change of+0.3 V, the air blank presents+0.25 V, and MCH presents a signalof+0.39 V. The airflow sensors report and movement deviationbetween the alternate odor cups (Fig. 7E). The reading of+3.15 Vrepresents airflow of ∼1500 mL/min, with minimal deviationbetween the odors presented. The shock sensor measurementsindicate proper delivery of electrical shocks with the programedtimeframe and voltage (Fig. 7F). Differential shock paradigms canbe confirmed and monitored with the sensor readings. Togetherthe sensor array provides quality-control tracking of odorantdelivery, airflow rates and electrical shock training to confirm thatexperiments are always performed exactly as programed.4. DiscussionA fully automated system has been developed for Drosophilaclassical olfactory associative conditioning and testing, whichallows highly labor-efficient behavioral learning and memory anal-yses. This fully automated system provides seamless Drosophila