Skin lesions of lichen planus consist of pruritic
(itching), erythematous to light purple patches,
sometimes with an overlying network pattern
of white lines or striations. Oral lesions most
commonly appear as white epithelial thickening
arranged in a network pattern (Wickham's striae)
with erythema of the surrounding mucosa. White
patches, erythematous erosions, and ulcers may
also occur. The white lesions are not painful,
but the erosions and ulcers are usually painful.
Lichen planus almost always has multiple lesions
bilaterally, with the buccal mucosa commonly
involved. Oral lesions may occur with or without
skin lesions.
Skin lesions of lichen planus consist of pruritic(itching), erythematous to light purple patches,sometimes with an overlying network patternof white lines or striations. Oral lesions mostcommonly appear as white epithelial thickeningarranged in a network pattern (Wickham's striae)with erythema of the surrounding mucosa. Whitepatches, erythematous erosions, and ulcers mayalso occur. The white lesions are not painful,but the erosions and ulcers are usually painful.Lichen planus almost always has multiple lesionsbilaterally, with the buccal mucosa commonlyinvolved. Oral lesions may occur with or withoutskin lesions.
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