Hello everyone, and welcome back to the latest edition of What We Are Up To.
Today I want to talk about some changes we discussed a while ago for the Demolitions perk in more concrete detail (but still subject to change prior to release!). We’ve been taking a pass at several of the existing perks, but today I want to go over the upcoming Demolitions changes to both perks and weapons (as they go hand in hand) as we feel we have found a good balance for the perk.
Perk Tree Changes:
The Demolitions perk tree is now split between the left side of the tree which overall is focused on doing more direct damage and aiming for critical hits (think taking out the larger threats) and the right side of the tree which is more about Area of Effect, incapacitation and clearing out the lesser threats to allow others to focus on the larger ones while you act in a more supporting role. Numbers used here are subject to change prior to release as we continue to tweak things and specifics items may move around the tree.
Level 5:
Damage - Explosives do 10% more damage
Tactical reload - Reload demo weapons extra fast
Level 10:
Direct hit - Explosives do 10% more impact damage to the target they hit
Ammo - Get 3 extra rounds for all demo weapons
Level 15:
Siren Resistance - Explosives avoid the siren scream destruction
Area of Effect - AOE Size of explosions increased by 50% but do 50% less damage
Level 20:
Critical Hit - 25% chance that your direct hit to a critical zone will do 2X damage
Concussive Force - Increase all reaction, stun, stumble and knockdown power by 50% for demo weapons
Level 25:
Nuke - Explosives dish out massive radiation damage in zed time and poison zeds
Professional - Shoot and reload in near real time
Now onto the weapon changes. To support this new tree, several of the demo weapons have had their AOE range adjusted down slightly (with the RPG’s brought down the most). This helps the two trees stay distinct and lets the demo better fit one of the two roles. A massive change that we’ve also done is to bring the m79 down to a Tier 2 weapon (we are going to replace the Tier 3 with something new at a later date - we are looking at an old favorite, no NOT that one). To sum it all up:
HX25 - Slightly faster reload
M79 - Now a Tier 2 weapon
RPG - Lower AOE blast, stronger impact damage
I do not have the railgun render I hoped to show today as our weapons artist is out sick today. I should have it for the next post!