Within, the current Irish health service strategy document, it is claimed that the fundamental purpose of health service providers is to “To enable people live healthier and more fulfilled lives” (Transformation Programme 2007e2010; Health Service Executive (HSE), 2006). In addition, the National Health Promotion Strategy 2000e2005 (DOHC, 2000) and the Primary Care Strategy (DOHC, 2001) recommend that health services become health promoting environments and as nurses are the largest health professional group, they are viewed as fundamental in achieving this goal. It is also well recognised internationally that nurses have an important role to play in health promotion (WHO, 2003). Naidoo and Wills (2009) state that the primary health care approach is characterised by a number of principles the first of these principles being that of a “holistic understanding of health as wellbeing, rather than the absence of disease” p. 121.