shipping condition
On July 1st, 2016
New Requirements to verify the gross mass of a loaded container will be enforced under the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
In order to comply with the new regulations, shippers are responsible for certifying the verified Gross Mass (VGM) weight of all loaded containers prior to their arrival to the loading (origin) port.
The VGM includes the Mass weight of all packages in the container, including pallets dunnage and any other packing and securing materials as well as the TARE weight as it appears on the door of the container.
The upcoming SOLAS regulations provide shippers with 2 methods for calculating the VGM of a loaded container.
Method 1: Weighing the loaded container using calibrated and certified equipment.
Method 2: Weighing all packages and cargo items, including packaging materials such as pallets, securing and dunnage materials and adding the TARE weight on the door of the container to get the VGM for the container, using a certified method approved by the competent authority of the state in which packing of the container was completed.
We encourage you to use Method 2 as it is the easiest way to complete the required information. The required certification forms will be available through the Carriers web site in which the container was booked.
We urge all our valued customers to prepare for these new regulations and to ensure all of your shipments are accompanied with the required VGM forms prior to container delivery to Origin Port.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional information.
Thank you,
Greating Shipping Company/Auto Team.