Yes this ship does a lot of operations. It is the number one money making vessel in Chouest Industries fleet of ships. So I am going to be quite busy out here but that will make the time pass faster. I love you baby and I am always thinking about you. To me everything revolves around you. I want you to know that yes I have children and my mother and sisters in America. But YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN MY LIFE. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. I want to have a family with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to provide a better life for you. I want you yo be happy and to make all your dreams come true. You won my heart long ago when we first met. Every day I become more and more in love with you. I TRULY LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. I just can't tell you enough how special you have become to me. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to love you. I will never fail you. I promise to be there for you no matter what the future may bring. I would give my life to protect you. I LOVE YOU WITH ALL THAT I AM. EVERY FIBER OF ME LOVES YOU