Ethics in communication with users of tourism services
Tourists are willing to allocate more money for their vacations as compared to how much
they spend in their place of residence for the same period of time. For them, that long awaited
period of the year is a from of an escape from reality, something they have been dreaming
of for months, as a separation from work and stress of the everyday life. When choosing
a destination for their vacations, tourists unconditionally expect to get a maximum for
the money they have paid, to be treated with respect and to have an unforgettably pleasant
experience. While sometimes these expectations go beyond realistic possobilities, sellers
and providers of tourist services must do their best.
A successful sale is not just a quantitative category, but also includes the ability of sellers
to gain the trust of their costumers. Regardless of the company’s reputation, customers relate
to persons that inspire confidence. Sellers have to gain this confidence by ethically sound
behaviour and sincere effort to meet all the client’s wishes.
Ethics in communication with users of tourism servicesTourists are willing to allocate more money for their vacations as compared to how muchthey spend in their place of residence for the same period of time. For them, that long awaitedperiod of the year is a from of an escape from reality, something they have been dreamingof for months, as a separation from work and stress of the everyday life. When choosinga destination for their vacations, tourists unconditionally expect to get a maximum forthe money they have paid, to be treated with respect and to have an unforgettably pleasantexperience. While sometimes these expectations go beyond realistic possobilities, sellersand providers of tourist services must do their best.A successful sale is not just a quantitative category, but also includes the ability of sellersto gain the trust of their costumers. Regardless of the company’s reputation, customers relateto persons that inspire confidence. Sellers have to gain this confidence by ethically soundbehaviour and sincere effort to meet all the client’s wishes.
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