EU policies and activities on passenger intermodality 2.1 European Transport Policy Passenger intermodality has been put on the agenda in several European or lessin national o glonal policies. As earty as 2001 the European Commussion identified integrated ticketing, baggage handing and continuity of journeys as priority for passenger transport in the Trans port Policy White Paper As a follow-up of the White Papet, D TAEN put Dnority on actrites in the freight sector with the development of the MARco POLO programme as one of the best examples in 2004 the sama directorate-general commissioned a study Towards passenger intermodality in which has been a basic report putting priorities from a European Policy perspective forward in June 2006 the Eu organised a Mid-Term Review of the Transport whue Paper with the following key points maintain a high level of mobility, attention to environmental protection and energy security vation to efficiency and sustainability and international connecton beyond the EU Anew concept was also introduced comodality comndality stands for the optinisation oleach mode (chean and elicien0 and integration of modes for seamless transport, thus prowoking modal shitt The ECAction Plan on Airport capacity wastaunched in January 2007, urged by the statement that 60 can bo trood itsomo otte short-haul tights airports will be heavly congested by 2025. Somo capacity be shifted to rail and with improved air rail intermodality. Therefore airport access and especiany links need to be improved. The European Commission is promoting rail links from to cities and regions, with funding for intermodal infrastructure (EN.T, European Regional Development and Cohesion Funds Towards a new European Transport Policy Polo 0 of the pooming In the EC communication A sustainable future for transport of June 2009, the main outline for a new White Paper at the end 2010 was sketched in this new White Paper there will be three priorities people, integration and technology. The communication included a strong statement on the in tegration of modes "We) strongly believe that meeting the future challenges will require focusing on new technologies
and on the integration of the detenent transport modes into a single system, all this in a more integrated internal market in which competition is fully granted. 2.2 Urban transport Also in the field of urban transport there are a few European policy initiatives with strong links with intermodality In 2007 the Green Paper on Urban Mobility was coordinated, titled Towards a new culture for urban mobility Ultimate goal was to optimise the use fo all modes of transport and to organise co- modality. In 2009 this work was elaborated by the Action Plan on Urban Mobility which includes some important topics for intermodality improved information, passenger rights, integrated planning, greener transport staring experiences and eitra funding 2.3 Other EU policies For some specific issues it is important to mention further Eu initiatives The Action Plan for the Demlow. ment of intelligent Transport Systems 2008 was originally started as a road only exercise out now also covers interconnectons with other modes (mainly public transport) The links to intermodal y are quite
obvious when taking a look at some action themes: development of a Europe-wide real time traffic and travel information system, promotion of multimodal journey planners, attention to privacy and liability is es, urban and Inter-urban Interfaces (raffic management and the development of a decision making toolkit. the field of passenger rights the Commission passed Regulation 1371/2007 Rail Passonger Rights and Obligations which gives a very practical approach to intermodality, although quite softened by compro- mise. For example Article 5states that railway undertakings must enable passengers to bring bicycles onto the train, where appropriate for a fee, if they are easy to handle, it it doesn't adversely affect the specific rail service and if the rolling stock permits it 2.4 Relevant projects and activities, funded by the European Commission CIVITAS Intermodality in urban areas