It is impossible to acquire such entrepreneur, manager skills
without education and gaining experience, without learning
on real examples. For this reason, the use of the incubator
should be considered highly beneficial for future entrepreneurs.
Regardless of creating the conditions for testing business
ideas, the role of each incubator should be shaping and
systematic development of the competencies of its participants.
Meanwhile, according to studies, confirming working
hypothesis No. 1 put forward by the author, those wishing
to take advantage of the incubator rarely expect this kind
of support. Incubator participants are focused primarily on
how to best prepare their businesses from the organizational
and market point of view, not noticing how large a role in
the effective implementation of business play the skills of
an entrepreneur. Personal experience of the author in collaboration
with incubators confirms, that the person entering
the incubator often in the course of their activities change
or modify the concepts of future business, and gained
experience, qualifications and skills are somewhat universal
– they will be useful in many areas of future activity.
As it turns out, it is most difficult to convince participants
of the incubator to use such support (results shown in Table
No. 3). When it comes to advice on business, participation
in specialized training on entrepreneurship, promotion and
marketing or use of the assistance of a coach supporting the
development of business ideas – great part incubator participants
does not use such support at all, and many use them
only occasionally, less than once a month. This is despite the
fact that incubators are offering them a diverse and professional
offer in this area, which is assessed as being consistent
with the expectations of incubator participants, which
is confirmed by the results of evaluation of the quality of
support provided in Table No. 3.