Scoring system[edit]
An official match is won by best of five sets, win 3 sets of 5; used on important tournaments on all matches or in finals after group stages. A team event or group match is won by best of three sets, win 2 sets of 3; used in team events and often in tournaments to speed up group stages.
In a knock out system mainly used in tournaments teams don’t have to play the 5th (or 3rd) set if the winner is known. In a league system it is mandatory for all teams to complete all 5 (or 3) sets.
In the last 5th (or 3rd) set the change of sides takes place when one team reaches 8 points.
Point: when either serving side or receiving side commits a fault, a point is awarded to the opponent side including making next service.
Set: each set is won by the side which scores fifteen (15) points with a minimum lead of two (2) points. In the event of a 14-14 tie, the set shall be won by the side which gets a lead of two (2) points, or when a side reaches 17 points (whichever occurs first).
Match: a match is won by the team who has won more sets, 3 (or 2). Teams can win 3, 2, 1 or 0 set points per match in best of 5 or win 2, 1 or 0 set points per match in best of 3.
Ranking: in group stages of tournaments or team events (round robin) the ranking in a group is determined by: 1. Sum of match wins; a match win gives 1 point 2. Sum set points 3. Point difference +/-
Scoring system[edit]
An official match is won by best of five sets, win 3 sets of 5; used on important tournaments on all matches or in finals after group stages. A team event or group match is won by best of three sets, win 2 sets of 3; used in team events and often in tournaments to speed up group stages.
In a knock out system mainly used in tournaments teams don’t have to play the 5th (or 3rd) set if the winner is known. In a league system it is mandatory for all teams to complete all 5 (or 3) sets.
In the last 5th (or 3rd) set the change of sides takes place when one team reaches 8 points.
Point: when either serving side or receiving side commits a fault, a point is awarded to the opponent side including making next service.
Set: each set is won by the side which scores fifteen (15) points with a minimum lead of two (2) points. In the event of a 14-14 tie, the set shall be won by the side which gets a lead of two (2) points, or when a side reaches 17 points (whichever occurs first).
Match: a match is won by the team who has won more sets, 3 (or 2). Teams can win 3, 2, 1 or 0 set points per match in best of 5 or win 2, 1 or 0 set points per match in best of 3.
Ranking: in group stages of tournaments or team events (round robin) the ranking in a group is determined by: 1. Sum of match wins; a match win gives 1 point 2. Sum set points 3. Point difference +/-
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