In recent years, human mobility has increased
dramatically, especially those visiting big
cities; whether it is for a business trip or just a
holiday. This phenomenon has resulted in
businessman developing hotels, motels, home
stays, etc., to cater for the need for
accommodation in those popular cities.
Such hotel developments have had a positive
trend year to year especially in Malang, East
Java; a popular tourism destination in
Indonesia. Due to increasing competition,
hotels need to run their operational activities
both efficiently and effectively. Therefore,
hotels need to consider all of the costs, both
direct and indirect cost, and then recoup them
via the services provided. Incorrect cost
calculations may result in the occurrence of
overpricing or underpricing which will later
affect the hotel competitiveness and
profitability. Nowadays, many hotels are not
only offering accommodation services, but
also offering restaurants, laundry services,
halls or ballroom rentals, etc. This research
study chose to concentrate on cost calculations
only in a case study hotel’s room division. The
reason for choosing the room division is based
on the fact that the room division provided the
dominant portion of revenues in the case study
hotel, Hotel Graha Cakra; i.e. almost 80% of
the hotel’s total revenue of comes from room
division revenue.
The current cost calculation method used by
the Hotel is a very simple traditional costing
method. More modern cost allocation
approaches such as, Activity Based Costing
(ABC) have been shown to be more effective
and accurate than the traditional methods in
both manufacturing and service organisations.
However, difficulties of implementing ABC
systems has resulted in the development of a
new approach to ABC by Kaplan and
Anderson (2007) called Time-Driven Activity-
Based Costing (TDABC).