7.2.4 For the province level, any vehicle supplied will need to have a considerably larger luggage-carrying capacity than at the city and county level, as each province needs to supply an average of some 20 cities and counties on a regular, monthly basis. For the biggest provinces, the volume of vaccines alone to be distributed amounts to at least 1000 tres per month, and when other medical supplies and drugs are included, the total will besubstantially higher. It is therefore recommended that all provinces be provided with standard, 4 wheel drive pick-up vehicles with diesel-engine for the distribution of supplies, and that these be fitted with hard-covered luggage compartments to give protection against sun, rain and other weather conditions These vehicles would be based at provincial medical warehouses, and again, used to establish an integrated health transport tem for distribution of supplies to all public health programmes at the city and county eve Taking into account factors and requirements outlined in sections 7.2.1 to 7.2.4 above, the proposed Development & Rehabilitation Plan Part 2 on transport was drawn up and is attached at Annex 10. Note that for this part of the Development Plan, there are no redundant items to be removed from the system as in the case of Part 1, although there is still a significant portion of transport equipment that need to be repaired and returned to Service.