Major defense contractors also win big. They get tens of billions of dollars for the new warplanes, missiles, and submarines they’ve been lobbying for.
Conservatives like to portray government as a welfare machine doling out benefits to the poor, some of whom are too lazy to work.
In reality, according to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families, most of whom are in dire need.
You may not have the faintest idea where Yiwu is, but businessmen plying their trades across Eurasia, especially from the Arab world, are already hooked on the city “where amazing happens!” We’re talking about the largest wholesale center for small-sized consumer goods — from clothes to toys — possibly anywhere on Earth.Bill O’Reilly lectures Michael Brown’s parents for speaking out about their son’s shooting. During a CNN interview, Michael Brown Sr., who had asked for an end to looting and violence, referenced the slogan, “No justice, no peace.” That was enough for O’Reilly to get paternalistic on an August 12 segment of “The O’Reilly Factor.” ”Do we as a society—what do we do? Do we weigh in as the boy’s father — and if it were my son, I probably would have said the same thing, but he’s obviously talking through an emotional prism. His son is dead. He believes, probably, I know he believes, that it was an injustice, that it was done for nothing, it was a murder. And many, many African Americans believe that without knowing the facts. Do we criticize them, or do we remain silent?” Typically, that is what many conservatives like to say when black people are grieving over police violence: that they don’t know all of the facts. It’s another way of saying black people are too emotional to look at tragic incidents with any degree of intellectual depth and draw reasonable conclusions. Given that the Ferguson Police Department had not yet released the name of the cop who shot him Brown, O’Reilly was engaging in pure victim-blaming and demanding that the parents have full faith in the authorities who were covering up for the man who killed their son. Nice, Mr. O’Reilly, very nice.
The Yiwu-Madrid route across Eurasia represents the beginning of a set of game-changing developments. It will be an efficient logistics channel of incredible length. It will represent geopolitics with a human touch, knitting together small traders and huge markets across a vast landmass. It’s already a graphic example of Eurasian integration on the go. And most of all, it’s the first building block on China’s “New Silk Road,” conceivably the project of the new century and undoubtedly the greatest trade story in the world for the next decade. Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani says the issue is black people killing each other; not white police officers brutalizing black communities. Giuliani appeared on a “Meet the Press“ segment with Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson, who debunked everything the ex-mayor said, but not before Giuliani got, well, completely racist. “[Black-on-black crime] is the reason for the heavy police presence in the black community,” Giuliani claimed. “Why don’t you cut it down so that so many white police officers don’t have to be in black areas?….The white police officers wouldn’t be there if you weren’t killing each other.”