Know Your Dog
How much do you know about your dog? Have you heard his many diffi : retrt barks? It
may be that a dog barks because he is trying [o copy the voice of people. Wild dogs
never bark. wnat a difïerence there is between a bark and growl w hen n dog bmks. Hc
holds his head up high. A Mk is not a war cry. But when a dog growls, he lowers his
head. A growl may mean he is ready to fight. The dog must guard his throat when tu :
fights another animal. If a dog comes barking to meet you, you are in no dmrger. You
may have heard the Thai traditional saying which says :"A barking dog never bites."
But what if he comes toward you growling and his head lowered! Then look out for
trouble! Stand stiJl! Put your hands on your chest. If you do this. Not one dog in tcn
wiJl bite you. Do not hit at the dog or tum and run. How true are the stories abot nmd
dogs? Most of the stories are not true at all. A mad dog is vety ill. Not olle., . d in
thousands is really mad.
Put a looking glass in front of your dog. He may not look it at twice. His eyes may tell
him there is another dog facing him, but his nose tells him there is not. He CIU1 smell
better than he can see, so he will believe his nose rather than his eyes. Yolu dog yill
know you. No matter how you change your looks. He knows your scent. It is swurgc
that doge can be so clever in some ways and so stupid in other ways. My dogs like a
wood fire to keep offmosquitoes. Often they see me make the fire bum by putting
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Wnat happens when you tie a dog to a tree with a long rope? low will almost always
trot round the tree? Soo