Chlorosis measures commercial quality in terms of greenness:the more chlorotic in the leaves, the more yellow and less mar-ketable the plants are. Regardless of dilution the largest chlorosislevel was found in C and C based substrates (2.85 on average), fol-lowed by V2 and V2 based mixes (1.90 on average) and by V1 and V1based mixes (1.12 on average), the peat control having the lowestchlorosis levels (0.73).
Root dry weight was highest in the control substrate(2.4 g/plant), dry weight of C, V1 and V2 representing 60% of theroot dry weight of the control. This parameter increased with dilu-tion in the C based mixes and decreased in the V1 mixes. Rootswere longest in V2, followed by C and V1. Dilution did not affectroot length.