This data supports the belief that mobile phones are becoming increasingly central to people’s lives and adds weight to the assertion by Pedrozo and Wilska (2004) that their adoption has become“one of the most conspicuous social changes to happen over the last ten years”. The data analysis provides clear evidence to show thatconsumers now rely on their phones for a range of communication,information and entertainment purposes. As Grant & O’Donohoe(2007), discovered, mobile phones are now “woven into the fab-ric of daily lives, in and beyond the home”. Most importantly, thisdata shows a marked difference in frequency of use between fea-ture phone users and smart phone users. This more frequent useof mobile phones by smart phone users provides evidence to sup-port the importance of investigating whether findings of researchon consumer attitudes to mobile marketing communications havechanged with more frequent use, more applications, and morefamiliarity.