Provides the vital link in energy chain between gas producers and gas consumers
Gasco Provides the vital link in energy chain between gas producers and gas consumers to achieve:
• Expansion of the National Gas Grid to cope with the increase in gas supply and demand.
• Maximizing gas utilization in the different sectors (locally & export).
• Upgrading the National Gas Grid and its facilities.
• Providing the best service for gas producers and gas consumers.
• Constructing, operating, managing and maintaining the gas processing plants to extract gas valuable derivatives.
• Achieving an accident free workplace, healthy staff while continuing to operate with a responsible environmental focus (HSE System).
• Controlling and monitoring the National Gas Grid via the latest SCADA System through the National Advanced Control Centre (NATA).
• Building a workforce capable of meeting the challenges of the century.
• Management of all the activities of the company from an economic perspective.
• Using the latest technologies in: communications and data transmission, central control, mapping for the network, periodic and preventive maintenance.