Victory over Swedes in the Nevsky fight
In 1240, from blessing of papal curia, the first to Russia the Swedes who have intended to occupy the Novgorod lands and to captivate the prince Alexander have intruded. Invasion of the enemy has begun in the first of July, 1240 – the Swedish fleet in number of about 100 courts (screws) with a 5-thousand landing of Swedes and their allies (Norwegians and Finns) under command of a yarl of Ulf Fasi was included into the Neva River. The sea guards of the Izhora earth headed by the elder ижорян Pelgusy have reported about approach of the enemy on July 7 to Veliky Novgorod. The Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich has urgently created army from 300 princely combatants, 500 Novgorod horsemen and so many pedestrian rebels and on July 8 has acted in a campaign on the enemy. Across Volkhov on castles and the coast the army has gone to the Novgorod fortified city Ladoga where 150 horse soldiers-ladozhan and about 50 combatants-izhoryan have joined him.
Swedes after long sea transition have stopped for rest and have set up camp on the left coast of Neva, falling of the Izhora River into her (the territory of modern St. Petersburg) is slightly higher. Here the Swedish ships have moored, and from them on the land staircases have been thrown. The part of army remained on screws, the most notable soldiers have settled down in the camp built ashore. Swedes have exposed posts which controlled the Nevsky waterway. Fighting horses were grazed in coastal meadows. From the land the opponent didn't expect attack.
In the annalistic story about the Nevsky fight Alexander's plan is distinctly recreated. According to him the blow of a pedestrian team along the coast of Neva cut off Swedes from the ships, and a cavalry, working from sushi through the center of camp, had to, having driven the enemy into the corner formed by coast of Izhora and Neva to close an environment and to destroy the opponent.
The young commander has brilliantly realized the courageous plan. Early in the morning on July 15, it is reserved having approached camp, the Novgorod team has attacked the enemy. The Swedes taken unawares have been demoralized and were not ready to fight back. The combatant Savva has broken through to the center of their camp and has cut the column supporting a zlatoverkhy tent of the Swedish leader. Falling of a tent has even more inspired the Russian ratnik. Novgorodian Zbyslav Yakunovich, "nayezhdy mnogazhda, byeshtsya by the uniform axe, without having fear in heart". Other hero of fight Gavrilo Oleksich, pursuing the receding Swedes, on a horse on staircases I have rushed on the screw and there it was cut with enemies. Dumped to the river, he has got out to the coast again and has again engaged. Along with a horse team also the group of a pedestrian militia of Novgorodian Mischa (Mikhail Stepanovich) courageously battled. Having attacked the enemy ships, "peshets" have sunk three of them. In the thick of fight there was also a prince Alexander who disposed as the commander and fought as the simple soldier.