Ethanol fermentation from cassava by a non-thermal SSF process under non-VHG conditions has been previously reported using cassava pulp as a substrate [33]. Ethanol production by SSF of raw cassava flour (18.2% dried solid) using a complex enzyme from Aspergillus kawachii consisting glucoamylase, acid-stable -amylase, cellulase, xylanase, and protease activities in pilot scale was also reported with high efficiency [34]. In contrast, anon-thermal uncooked process for ethanol production by VHG fermentation from cassava was employed in this study. The ethanol yield obtained from this process for cassava was lower than that in previous reports on ethanol fermentation from uncooked starch substrates e.g. triticale and wheat (80–85% yield with the initial dried solid of 28–30%) [35], and sweet potato roots (87% yield) using enzymes from a mutagenized strain of Aspergillus niger [36].