5.3 Introduction and selection of multipurpose tree and shrubs
To complement existing resources in the espinales, we will introduce new
sources of forage, especially edible fruits and/or leaves, for the critical
late-summer-autumn period (February-June), when annual pasture of the
previous year is exhausted. Candidates species include carob, (Ceratonia
siliqua L.), various oaks (Quercus spp.), and several algarrobos (Prosopis
spp.), as well as some native tree species of high fodder value, e.g. Belloto
(Beilschmiedia miersii, B. berteroana) and Maiten (Maytenus boaria). Additional
candidate species have been identified from the Chaco region where
the espino is presumed to have originated, including Caesalpinia
paraguariensis (D. Parodi) Burk. and various Acacia species. Most of these
species also grow to larger sizes than the espino, and thus could theoretically
be incorporated into agro-silvopastoral systems with less difficulty for the
farmer than the espino.