Comments on environment and schedule
—According to a large rnultistate study of state-funded prekindergarten programs, preschool
children typically spend more than athird of their time in transitions and routines (e.g., stand-
ing in line, cleaning up, washing hands, eating) rather than in play and other learning experi-
ences. Uniorlunately, the researchers also found that teachers don’t conduct such transitions
and routines in ways that engage children in conversations with adults or othen/vise promote
ohlldren‘s learning and development (Early et al. 2005).
Comments on environment and schedule—According to a large rnultistate study of state-funded prekindergarten programs, preschoolchildren typically spend more than athird of their time in transitions and routines (e.g., stand-ing in line, cleaning up, washing hands, eating) rather than in play and other learning experi-ences. Uniorlunately, the researchers also found that teachers don’t conduct such transitionsand routines in ways that engage children in conversations with adults or othen/vise promoteohlldren‘s learning and development (Early et al. 2005).
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