Globalization has affected almost every aspect of life in almost every nation. From economic to
social to culture, this widespread exchange of goods, services and ideas have influenced changes
around the world. Even though the cultural influence in globalization is of slight significance to
policy makers, its power has tremendous consequences to the nations involved and its people.
Food is an important element in defining culture. Britannica (2007). “Food is the oldest global
carrier of culture.” (para. 1). Any changes in the foods that we eat, in its preparation, the way it is
served and consumed diminishes the traditional beliefs of the people.
One of the most influential changes came with the introduction of fast food restaurants like
McDonald’s into foreign countries. Transformations have taken place which could be perceived
as beneficial or corrupting to that culture. According to William Gould (1996), before the
introduction of McDonald’s overseas “fast food was almost unknown. McDonald’s was the first
company to try to export America’s love of fast food and changes in eating habits of other
nations.” Catherine Schnaubelt (u.d.) in her study, has found that “McDonald’s has over 1.5
million franchises in the United States and about half of the total franchises are outside the U.S.
in over 120 countries……Amidst all the fame and fortune of McDonald’s, there are concerns
about how the spread of standardization of the franchise is affecting culture, attitudes and the
environment.” (p.49).
The globalization of McDonald’s has raised many debates on both sides of the issue. The proglobalization belief is that it enhances culture rather than adulterate. Radley Balko (2003), states
that “In most communities, in fact, the McDonald’s has conformed to the local culture not the
other way around. The McDonald’s corporation notes that most of its overseas franchises are
locally owned, and thus make efforts to buy from local communities. McDonald’s also alters its
regional menus to conform to local taste.” (para. 12).
There has been a loss of traditional values with the introduction of non traditional food into the
culture of foreign countries. The types of foods are symbolic to particular regions, religions and
morés. In India, to the Hindu people, the cow is considered to be sacred as part of its religion.
According to the (2007), “Diversity can be found in India’s food as well as its
culture, geography and climate.”(para. 1). “Although a number of religions exist in India, the two
cultures that have influenced Indian cooking and food habits are the Hindu and the Muslim
tradition.” (para. 3). With the introduction of non traditional foods into this society, as with many
others, there are adverse effects on the traditions it tries to uphold.
McDonald’s is viewed as American and the movement away from traditional foods towards fast food is
considered to be “Americanization” of the diet. This concept has more far reaching effects than is seen on the
surface. The “Americanization” of the food also means that of the culture and a way of thinking which in not
acceptable to many nations. Sebastian Mallaby (2007), writes that “Hyperpower invites backlash, and
McDonald’s has not escaped such consequences. In 1999 a French farmer named Jose Bove ransacked a
McDonald’s and became a hero of the anti- globalization.” (para.5). The restaurant stands as a symbol of an
unwanted change sweeping across the borders of culture and traditio