We studied distribution of heavy metals
[lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn)] in surface soil at
an electronic-waste (e-waste) recycling workshop near
Metro Manila in the Philippines to evaluate the
pollution size (spot size, small area or the entire
workshop), as well as to assess heavy metal transport
into the surrounding soil environment. On-site lengthof-
stride-scale (*70 cm) measurements were performed
at each surface soil point using field-portable
X-ray fluorescence (FP-XRF). The surface soil at the
e-waste recycling workshop was polluted with Cu, Zn
and Pb, which were distributed discretely in surface
soil. The site was divided into five areas based on the
distance from an entrance gate (y-axis) of the e-waste
recycling workshop. The three heavy metals showed
similar concentration gradients in the y-axis direction.
Zn, Pb and Cu concentrations were estimated to