Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
The hyphal interaction between the two fungi was
also examined by SEM. A PDA plate was inoculated
with a 5 mm disk cut from the leading edge of
colonies of both T. harzianum and B. oryzae. Both of
the two fungi grew toward each other, and after
6 days of incubation at 25 ± 18C, the plate was
observed under a light microscope to confirm the
intermingling of the hyphae at the initiation of
interaction. Interaction sites were marked and 1 cm2
PDA blocks were removed for SEM preparation.
Samples preparation was performed using the tissue
processor model Lynexel, Leica. Where the mycelial
samples from the interaction region were fixed with
osmium oxide and then dehydrated using a serial
dilution of ethyl alcohol then finally acetone